Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern the rights and obligations of you as a buyer and us as the seller or trader within the framework of contractual relationships concluded through distance communication, specifically through the E-shop on the website www.belmil.sk. All contractual relationships are governed by the legal order of the Slovak Republic. Matters not regulated by these Terms are governed by Act No. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code as amended, Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Laws, as well as Act No. 22/2004 Coll. on Electronic Commerce as amended.

All information about the processing of your personal data is contained in the Privacy Policy, which can be found here: http://www.belmil.sk/en/privacy-policy

As you certainly know, we communicate primarily remotely. Therefore, our Contract is also governed by the use of distance communication methods that allow us to agree without the simultaneous physical presence of us and you.

If any part of these Terms conflicts with what we have jointly agreed upon during the process of your Order on our E-shop, that specific agreement will take precedence over these Terms.

1. Definitions

1.1 Digital Content is anything you can purchase on the E-shop by entering into a contract for the provision of digital content and consists of data created and supplied in digital form or a digital service that allows you to create, process, store data in digital form, or access such data.

1.2 Price is the financial amount you will pay for the Goods.

1.3 Shipping Fee is the financial amount you will pay for the delivery of the Goods, including packaging, shipping, postage, or other charges.

1.4 Total Price is the sum of the Price and Shipping Fee, any additional costs, and fees if these could not be determined in advance.

1.5 VAT is the value-added tax according to applicable legal regulations.

1.6 E-shop is the online store operated by us at www.belmil.sk, where the purchase of Goods takes place.

1.7 Invoice is a tax document issued in accordance with VAT law for the Total Price.

1.8 We are Belmil s. r. o., with its registered office at Norovce 152, 953 68 Norovce, ID No. 53721781, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the District Court in Nitra, Section Sro, Insert No. 54104/N, email belmil@belmil.sk, phone number +421 908 979 471, legally referred to as the seller and/or trader. For the avoidance of doubt, we are not operators of an online marketplace and thus are not entities that operate and provide an online marketplace to Consumers, nor through a third party, and therefore the specific informational obligations under § 16 and § 17 of the Consumer Protection Act do not apply to us.

1.9 Order is your irrevocable offer to enter into a Contract for the purchase of Goods with us.

1.10 Entrepreneur is a person registered in the Commercial Register, conducting business based on a trade license, conducting business based on a different license according to special regulations, or a person engaged in agricultural production and registered in a record according to special regulations.

1.11 Consumer is a natural person who, when entering into and fulfilling a consumer contract, does not act within the scope of their business or other commercial activities.

1.12 Consumer Purchase Contract is a purchase contract concluded between a trader as the seller and a Consumer as the buyer if the subject of the purchase is any movable item, including items with digital elements, water, gas, or electricity sold in a limited volume or in a specific quantity, even if the item is to be manufactured or created, including according to the Consumer's specifications as the buyer.

1.13 Goods are everything you can purchase on the E-shop.

1.14 User Account is an account established based on the information you provide, which allows the storage of entered information and the history of ordered Goods and concluded contracts or access and use of Digital Content provided under a contract for the provision of digital content.

1.15 You are the person purchasing from our E-shop, legally referred to as the buyer. If you provide your identification number (ID No.) in the order, you acknowledge that the provisions of these Terms specifically intended for Entrepreneurs will apply to you, as well as the mutually agreed conditions between us, while still having the full protection against unfair and aggressive commercial practices and against misleading actions and omissions within the limits of relevant legal regulations.

1.16 Contract is a purchase contract agreed upon based on a properly completed Order sent through the E-shop, and it is concluded when you receive an Order confirmation from us. The Contract also includes a contract for the purchase of items with digital elements and a contract for the provision of digital content. If these Terms refer specifically in their individual sections or points to a contract for the purchase of items with digital elements or a contract for the provision of digital content, such special provisions apply only to Goods and/or Digital Content provided based on the respective type of contract.

1.17 Distance Contract is a contract between a trader and a Consumer agreed upon and concluded exclusively through one or more means of distance communication without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the Consumer, particularly using an online interface, electronic mail, telephone, fax, addressed letter, or promotional catalog (“Contract”).

1.18 Civil Code is Slovak Act No. 40/1964 Coll. as amended.

1.19 Consumer Protection Act is Slovak Act No. 108/2024 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on Amendments to Certain Laws.

2. General Provisions and Information

2.1 The purchase of Goods is only possible through the E-shop’s web interface.

2.2 When purchasing Goods, you are obliged to provide us with all information accurately, completely, and truthfully. The information you provided when ordering Goods will therefore be considered accurate, complete, and truthful.

3. Conclusion of Contract

3.1 The Contract with us can be concluded in Slovak, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, and English.

3.2 The Contract is concluded at a distance through the E-shop, and you bear the costs of using the communication means you use to conclude the Contract at a distance. These costs do not increase the Total Price of the Goods and do not differ from the basic rate you pay for using these means (e.g., internet access). You should not expect any additional costs charged by us beyond the Total Price. By submitting the Order, you agree to the use of distance communication means.

3.3 To conclude the Contract, you need to create an Order draft on the E-shop. This draft must include the following information:

a) Information about the Goods being purchased (on the E-shop, you indicate the Goods you wish to purchase by clicking the "Add to Cart" button);

b) Information about the Price, Shipping Fee, VAT, method of payment for the Total Price, and desired delivery method; this information will be entered while creating the Order draft within the E-shop’s user interface, with information about the Price, Shipping Fee, VAT, and Total Price automatically included in the Order draft based on your selected Goods and delivery method;

c) Your identification details necessary for us to deliver the Goods, including name, surname, delivery address, phone number, and email address;

3.4 During the creation of the Order draft, you can change and check the data until the draft is completed.

3.5 After checking the data by pressing the "Order with Obligation to Pay" button, you will create the Order. However, before pressing the button, you must confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms; otherwise, the Order cannot be created. The confirmation and agreement are provided via a checkbox. After pressing the "Order with Obligation to Pay" button, all entered information will be sent directly to us.

3.6 We will confirm your Order as soon as possible after it has been delivered to us with a message sent to your email address provided in the Order. The confirmation will include a summary of the Order and these Terms. By confirming the Order on our part, the Contract between us and you is concluded. The Terms in effect on the date of the order form an integral part of the Contract.

3.7 There may be cases where we cannot confirm your Order. This includes situations where the Goods are not available or where you order more Goods than allowed on our part. However, we will always provide information about the maximum number of Goods within the E-shop in advance, so it should not be surprising. If any reason arises preventing us from confirming the Order, we will contact you and send you an offer to conclude the Contract in a modified form compared to the Order. The Contract is concluded when you confirm our offer.

3.8 If there is a clearly incorrect Price on the E-shop or in the Order draft, especially due to a technical error, we are not obliged to deliver the Goods at that Price, even if you have received an Order confirmation, thus concluding the Contract. In such a situation, we will contact you promptly and are entitled to withdraw from the Contract, sending you the withdrawal notice along with an offer to conclude a new Contract in a modified form compared to the Order. The new Contract is concluded when you confirm our offer. If you do not confirm our offer within 3 days from its dispatch, we are entitled to withdraw from the concluded Contract. A clear error in the Price includes, for example, a situation where the Price clearly does not correspond to the usual price with other sellers at the time of creating the Order or is clearly missing or has an additional digit in the Price.

3.9 When the Contract is concluded, you incur an obligation to pay the Total Price.

3.10 If you have a User Account, you can place an Order through it. In such a case, you are still required to check the accuracy, truthfulness, and completeness of pre-filled data. The method of creating the Order is the same as for a buyer without a User Account, but the advantage is that you do not need to re-enter your identification details.

3.11 In some cases, we allow discounts for purchasing Goods. To receive a discount, you need to enter the discount information in the designated field within the Order draft. If you do so, the Goods will be provided to you with a discount. The trader is obliged to state the previous price of the Goods in every notice of a price reduction. The previous price of the Goods is the lowest price at which the trader sold or provided the Goods in a period of no less than 30 days before the price reduction, or

a) in the 30 days before the price reduction, or

b) since the start of selling or providing the Goods, if the trader sold or provided the Goods in a period shorter than 30 days before the price reduction.

The trader can state as the previous price of the Goods the original price before the first price reduction, regardless of the time of sale or provision of the Goods.

4. User Account

4.1 Based on your registration within the E-shop, you can access your User Account.

4.2 When registering for a User Account, you are required to provide accurate and truthful information and update it in case of changes.

4.3 Access to the User Account is secured by a username and password. It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of these access details and not to disclose them to anyone. In the event of misuse, we assume no responsibility.

4.4 The User Account is personal, and you are not authorized to allow third parties to use it.

4.5 We may cancel your User Account, particularly if it has not been used for more than 24 months, if you withdraw from the Contract, or if you breach your obligations under the Contract.

4.6 The User Account may not be available continuously, especially due to necessary maintenance of hardware and software.

5. Pricing and Payment Conditions, Reservation of Ownership

5.1 The price is always indicated within the E-shop, in the Order proposal, and in the Contract. In case of discrepancies between the price listed for the Goods in the E-shop and the price listed in the Order proposal, the price stated in the Order proposal, which will always be identical to the price in the Contract, will apply. The Order proposal also indicates the price for delivery, or conditions under which delivery is free of charge.

5.2 The total price according to point 1.4 is stated including VAT and all fees stipulated by special legal regulations.

5.3 We will require payment of the Total Price from you after the Contract is concluded and before the Goods are delivered. You can make the payment of the Total Price in the following ways:

a) Bank transfer. Payment details will be sent to you in the Order confirmation. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total Price is due within 14 days.

b) Online card payment or fast online transfers. In this case, payment is processed via the Comgate payment gateway, and the payment is subject to the terms of this payment gateway, available at: https://www.comgate.sk/zmluvne-dokumenty. In the case of online card payment, the Total Price is due within 14 days.

c) Payment upon delivery of the Goods. In this case, payment is made upon receipt of the Goods. In the case of payment by cash on delivery, the Total Price is due upon receipt of the Goods.

5.4 An invoice will be issued electronically after payment of the Total Price and will be sent to your email address provided in the Order. The invoice will also be physically included with the Goods and available in your User Account if you have one.

5.5 Ownership of the Goods will transfer to you only after the Total Price has been paid and the Goods have been delivered to you. In the case of payment by bank transfer, the Total Price is considered paid when the funds are credited to our account; in other cases, payment is considered made at the time of the transaction.

6. Delivery of Goods, Transfer of Risk of Loss and Damage, and Loss of Purchased Goods

6.1 The Goods will be delivered by the method of your choice, with the following options available:

a) Personal pickup at Packeta's pickup points;

b) Delivery via GLS or Packeta.

6.2 Goods can be delivered within all European Union states.

6.3 We are obligated to deliver the Goods promptly, no later than 30 days from the date of concluding the Contract, unless otherwise agreed. The Goods are considered delivered when you or a person you designate receives them, or when we hand them over to the carrier you appointed outside the transport options we offered.

6.4 During the performance of the Contract, circumstances may arise that will affect the delivery date of the Goods you ordered. We will promptly inform you by email about the change in the delivery date and the new estimated delivery date of the ordered Goods. This does not affect your right to withdraw from the Contract. Our notification of the new delivery date will also include a request for you to confirm whether you wish to proceed with the delivery of the Goods on the new date.

6.5 When receiving the Goods from the carrier, you are obliged to check the integrity of the packaging, and in case of any damage, immediately report it to the carrier and us. If the packaging is damaged in a way that indicates unauthorized handling and access to the shipment, you are not obliged to accept the Goods from the carrier.

6.6 You are obliged to take delivery of the Goods at the agreed place and time. If you do not take delivery of the Goods as previously stated, we will notify you by email where you can collect the Goods, including the deadline for collection or, at your written request sent no later than 14 days from when you should have collected the Goods, we will re-deliver the Goods at your expense. If you fail to take delivery of the Goods, except in cases according to point 6.4 of these Terms, it does not constitute a breach of our obligation to deliver the Goods to you. Also, not taking delivery of the Goods does not constitute grounds for withdrawing from the Contract between us and you. If you do not take delivery even within the additional period, we have the right to withdraw from the Contract due to your substantial breach of the Contract. If we decide to exercise this right, the withdrawal is effective on the day we deliver this withdrawal to you. Withdrawal from the Contract does not affect the claim for compensation for the actual costs of attempting to deliver the Goods at your request, or any other claim for damages if incurred.

6.7 If, due to reasons arising from your side, the Goods are delivered repeatedly or in a manner different from what was agreed in the Contract, you are obliged to compensate us for the costs associated with this repeated delivery upon your request. Payment details for these costs will be sent to your email address provided in the Contract and are due within 14 days from the delivery of the email.

6.8 The risk of loss, damage, and deterioration of the Goods transfers to you at the moment of delivery. If you do not take delivery or refuse to accept the Goods, except in cases according to point 4 of these Terms, the risk of loss, damage, and deterioration of the Goods transfers to you at the moment when you had the opportunity to take delivery, but for reasons on your part, delivery did not occur. The transfer of risk means that from this moment on, you bear all consequences related to the loss, destruction, damage, or any other devaluation of the Goods.

7. Liability for Defects

7.1 General Provisions on Liability for Defects

7.1.1 If you are an Entrepreneur, we are obliged to deliver the Goods to you in the agreed quality, quantity, and free from defects.

7.1.2 If you are a Consumer, we are obliged to deliver the Goods to you in accordance with the general requirements under § 617 of the Civil Code and the agreed requirements under § 616 of the Civil Code, as presented in the characteristics of the Goods you ordered on our E-shop or our promotional materials in relation to the delivered Goods, and free from defects. The Goods do not have to meet the general requirements under § 617 of the Civil Code if, at the time of concluding the Contract, we explicitly informed you that a certain characteristic does not meet such general requirements, and you explicitly and separately agreed to it.

7.1.3 The sold Goods are in accordance with the general requirements under § 617 of the Civil Code if:

a) they are suitable for all purposes for which Goods of the same kind are commonly used, taking into account, in particular, legal regulations, technical standards, or codes of conduct applicable to the respective industry, if technical standards have not been developed;

b) they correspond to the description and quality of the sample or model provided to you before concluding the Contract;

c) they are delivered with accessories and packaging that you can reasonably expect;

d) they are delivered in the quantity, quality, and with properties including functionality, compatibility, safety, and the ability to retain their functionality and performance (durability) during normal use that are typical for Goods of the same kind and that you can reasonably expect given the nature of the sold Goods, taking into account any public statements or public statements of another person in the same supply chain including the manufacturer, or on their behalf, and in particular in the advertising of the Goods or on its labeling, where the manufacturer is considered the producer of the Goods, the importer of the Goods into the European Union from a third country, or any other person who is identified as the manufacturer by placing their name, trademark, or other distinguishing mark on the Goods. We are responsible for defects that the Goods have at the time of delivery within the scope of our commitment stated in Article 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 of these Terms.

7.1.4 If you are an Entrepreneur, we are not responsible for defects of the Goods in the following cases: if you were informed of existing defects or you should have known about the defects based on the circumstances of concluding the Contract and these defects are not in conflict with the agreed characteristics of the Goods; if the defects of the Goods arose after you received the Goods, provided that the defects did not arise due to a breach of our obligations or you had the opportunity to take delivery of the Goods according to Article 6 of these Terms and without legal grounds refused to take delivery or did not take delivery of the Goods; if you did not notify us of obvious defects of the Goods in a timely manner according to Article 7.3.1 of these Terms; if defects of the Goods arose due to improper use, negligent handling, or failure to follow the instructions for use or maintenance of the Goods, or as a result of alterations made to the Goods without our consent.

7.1.5 If you are a Consumer, you are not responsible for defects of the Goods in the following cases: if you were informed of existing defects or you should have known about the defects based on the circumstances of concluding the Contract; if defects of the Goods arose after you received the Goods and you did not cause them by breaching the Contract or failing to follow instructions for use or maintenance of the Goods.

7.2 Liability for Defects during Warranty Period

7.2.1 If the Goods have defects, you are entitled to exercise your rights arising from liability for defects. In this case, you are entitled to request:

a) repair or replacement of the defective Goods, unless it is impossible or is associated with unreasonable costs;

b) a reasonable discount from the purchase price or withdrawal from the Contract if repair or replacement of the Goods is not possible or is not performed within a reasonable period or is associated with unreasonable costs.

7.2.2 We are liable for defects that arise within the warranty period of the Goods and that existed at the time of delivery. The warranty period is 24 months from the date of delivery of the Goods, unless otherwise agreed.

7.2.3 You are obliged to notify us of defects within 2 months from the date of detecting the defect. Failure to notify the defect within this period does not affect your right to claim defects, but the right to claim defects is not valid after 2 years from the date of delivery of the Goods.

7.3 Claims Procedure

7.3.1 You are obliged to notify us of defects immediately after discovering them, no later than within 2 months of their discovery. The notice of defects should be sent to our contact address.

7.3.2 You can also notify us of defects via the contact form available on our website.

7.3.3 If you request repair or replacement of the Goods, you should provide us with the defective Goods. If the defect is obvious and reported within the time limits, we will cover the cost of returning the Goods.

7.3.4 You can exercise your right to withdraw from the Contract at any time before the repair is completed or replacement of the Goods is made, or if the defects of the Goods were not repaired or the replacement was not made within a reasonable time.

7.4 Warranty for Repair and Replacement

7.4.1 If the Goods are repaired or replaced, the warranty period for the repaired or replaced Goods is extended by the time from the date of notification of the defect until the date of delivery of the repaired or replaced Goods.

7.4.2 The warranty period does not run anew in the case of replacement of the Goods, unless the defect of the replaced Goods arises as a result of a defect of the Goods or improper repair of the Goods.

7.5 Application of Warranty Rights (Complaints)

7.5.1 If the Goods are defective, meaning, in particular, if any of the conditions stated in point 7.1 are not met, you may notify us of such a defect and exercise warranty rights (i.e., make a complaint) by sending an email or letter to our addresses listed in our identification details. You may also use the sample form provided by us for complaints, which is an appendix to these Terms and Conditions.

7.5.2 In your complaint notification, provide a description of the defect in the Goods and your identification details, including the email address where you wish to receive information about how the complaint will be handled. Also, specify which of the warranty claims listed in points 7.6.3 to 7.6.8 you are exercising.

7.5.3 The day of the complaint is considered to be the day the defective Goods along with the relevant documents are delivered. If your complaint submission is incomplete (e.g., unreadable, unclear, or missing required documents), we will request additional information from you in writing, particularly by email. In this case, the complaint process begins on the day we receive your completed submission.

7.5.4 Once we receive your complaint or the supplementary information, we will promptly issue a written confirmation of receipt of the complaint or acknowledgment of the defect. The confirmation will state the shortest possible period, as defined in point 7.6.1, within which we will rectify the defect in the Goods.

7.6 Handling Complaints

7.6.1 Based on your decision regarding the method of defect removal specified in points 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 to 7.6.8, we will rectify the defect within a reasonable time, considering the nature of the Goods and the nature and severity of the defect, and the time will not exceed 30 days from the day of your complaint or from the day the defect was acknowledged. We do not provide consumer guarantees according to § 626 of the Civil Code. We are not obligated to accept the method of defect removal chosen by you if it is not possible or would cause us unreasonable costs considering the Price of the Goods and the severity of the defect.

7.6.2 In exceptional cases and for objective reasons, we may extend the deadline for removing the defect stated in the acknowledgment of the defect by the shortest time necessary to remove the defect. We will inform you in writing about such an extension of the defect removal period.

7.6.3 If the defect can be rectified by repair, you have the right to have the defect repaired free of charge, promptly, and properly at our expense.

7.6.4 Instead of having the defect repaired, you may request a replacement of the Goods.

7.6.5 Instead of repairing the defect, we may always replace the defective Goods with non-defective ones if it does not cause you significant inconvenience.

7.6.6 After the deadline for defect removal has passed, you have the right to a reasonable discount on the Price of the Goods or you may withdraw from the Contract. The same rights apply if we do not repair or replace the Goods, refuse to repair or replace the Goods because repair or replacement is not possible or would require unreasonable costs, the Goods still have the same defects despite repair or replacement, or we inform you that the defect cannot be repaired or the Goods cannot be replaced within a reasonable time or without causing significant inconvenience. The discount from the purchase price must be reasonable in relation to the difference between the value of the sold Goods and the value the Goods would have had if they were defect-free. We will refund the purchase price or discount using the same method you used to pay the purchase price, unless we agree otherwise. We will cover all costs associated with the refund.

You cannot withdraw from the Contract according to point 7.6.6 if you contributed to the defect or if the defect is negligible. If the Contract concerns multiple Goods, you can only withdraw from the Contract in relation to the defective Goods. For the remaining Goods, you can only withdraw from the Contract if it is not reasonably expected that you would want to keep the remaining Goods without the defective Goods.

7.6.7 If the Goods have a defect that cannot be removed and prevents you from using the Goods properly as defect-free Goods, you have the right to a replacement of the Goods or to withdraw from the Contract. You also have the same rights if the defect is removable but you cannot properly use the Goods due to the recurring occurrence of the defect after repair or due to a greater number of defects.

7.6.8 We will handle your complaint or defect acknowledgment by either delivering the repaired Goods, replacing the Goods, providing a reasonable discount on the Price of the Goods, or by providing a written, reasoned refusal of liability for the defect, i.e., rejecting your complaint.

7.7 If you are a Consumer, the exercise of warranty rights for the Goods is governed by § 619 and following of the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act.

7.8 If we refuse liability for the defect or reject your complaint, you have the right to contact an accredited, authorized, or notified person (e.g., an expert, authorized, accredited or notified person, authorized service, scientific institution, etc.) to provide an expert opinion or professional statement to prove our liability for the defect in the Goods.

7.9 If you prove our liability for the defect in the Goods according to point 7.8, you have the option to submit the defect again, and we cannot refuse this liability, meaning we will be obliged to re-evaluate your complaint.

7.10 We will cover the costs associated with obtaining an expert opinion or professional statement according to point 7.8 of these Terms and Conditions. However, you must claim these costs from us no later than 2 months from the handling of the repeated complaint.

7.11 We have properly informed you of your rights related to the exercise of liability for any defects in the Goods. By entering into the Contract, you confirm that you have had the opportunity to read the complaint conditions in advance and understand them.

8. Withdrawal from the Contract

8.1 Withdrawal from the Contract, i.e., the termination of the contractual relationship between us and you from its inception, may occur for the reasons and in the manner specified in this article or in other provisions of the Terms and Conditions where the possibility of withdrawal is explicitly mentioned.

8.2 If you are a Consumer, you have the right to withdraw from the Contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the day of receipt of the Goods according to § 20 of the Consumer Protection Act. If we have concluded a Contract for several types of Goods or for the delivery of several parts of Goods, this period begins on the day of receipt of the last part of the Goods. You may withdraw from the Contract by any demonstrable means (especially by sending an email or letter to our addresses listed in our identification details). You may also use the sample form provided by us for withdrawal, which is an appendix to the Terms and Conditions. You are entitled to withdraw from the Contract in relation to specific Goods or Goods if we have delivered or provided multiple Goods under the Contract. The effects of withdrawal from the Contract also apply to any supplemental contract to the Contract, unless explicitly agreed otherwise. After receiving the notice of withdrawal from the Contract, we will promptly provide you with our confirmation of receipt via email or on a durable medium.

8.3 If you are a Consumer and we do not deliver the Goods in time, you are entitled to withdraw from the Contract without providing an additional reasonable period according to § 517 (1) of the Civil Code, if (i) we refuse to deliver the Goods, (ii) timely delivery was crucial given all the circumstances of concluding the Contract, (iii) you informed us before concluding the Contract that timely delivery was crucial.

8.4 As a Consumer, you cannot withdraw from the Contract in cases where the Contract involves the sale of Goods made according to your specifications or made to measure for you.

8.5 The withdrawal period according to Article 2 of the Terms and Conditions is considered to be observed if you send us the notice of withdrawal during this period (but no later than on its last day).

8.6 In the case of withdrawal from the Contract, the Price will be refunded to your bank account within 14 days from the day we receive the notice of withdrawal, either to the bank account from which it was paid or to the bank account chosen in the withdrawal. However, the amount will not be refunded before you return the Goods or prove that the Goods have been sent back to us. Please return the Goods clean and, if possible, including the original packaging.

8.7 In the case of withdrawal from the Contract according to Article 2 of the Terms and Conditions, you are required to send the Goods to us, or to deliver the Goods to us or a person authorized by us to receive the Goods within 14 days of withdrawal. You bear the costs of returning the Goods to us. This does not apply if we agree to collect the Goods personally or through a person authorized by us. The deadline is met if the Goods are handed over for transport no later than the last day of the period. You are entitled to a refund of the cost of delivery, but only to the extent of the cheapest delivery method we offered.

8.8 You are liable for damage if the Goods are damaged due to your handling of them in a way other than necessary, given their nature and properties. We will invoice you for the damage caused once the Goods are returned, and the payment deadline for the invoiced amount is 14 days.

8.9 We are entitled to withdraw from the Contract due to stock depletion, unavailability of the Goods, or if the manufacturer, importer, or supplier of the Goods agreed in the Contract has ceased production or made significant changes that prevented us from fulfilling our obligations under the Contract or due to force majeure. We are also entitled to withdraw from the Contract if, despite our best efforts, we are unable to deliver the Goods within the time specified by these Terms and Conditions. In such cases, we are obliged to inform you of this fact without undue delay and refund the total amount paid for the Goods within 14 days from the day of notification of withdrawal from the Contract. The refunded amount will be returned in the same manner you used to pay the total price, unless otherwise agreed, provided that no additional fees will be charged to you in connection with this.

8.10 We are also entitled to withdraw from the Contract if you do not collect the Goods within 5 working days from the day you were required to collect them.

9. Submissions and Complaints

9.1 As a Consumer, you are entitled to submit suggestions and complaints in writing via email to: belmil@belmil.sk.

9.2 We will inform you of the assessment of your submission or complaint via email sent to your email address.

9.3 The supervisory authority is primarily the Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI), SOI Inspectorate for the Nitra Region, located at: Staničná 9, 949 01 Nitra, phone number: 037/7720216.

9.4 If you are not satisfied with the handling of your submission or complaint, you can also submit a request for inspection electronically through the platform available on the website SOI Submission Platform.

10. Alternative Dispute Resolution with Consumers

10.1 You have the right to contact us with a request for remedy via email sent to: belmil@belmil.sk if you are not satisfied with the way we handled your complaint or believe that we have violated your rights. If we respond to your request negatively or do not respond within 30 days from its submission, you have the right to submit a proposal to initiate alternative dispute resolution to an alternative dispute resolution entity ("Entity") according to Act No. 391/2015 Coll. on Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended ("Alternative Dispute Resolution Act").

10.2 Entities are authorities and authorized legal entities according to § 3 of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, and their list is published on the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic's website. List of Entities.

10.3 You can submit a proposal in the manner specified in § 12 of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act.

10.4 Additionally, you have the right to initiate out-of-court dispute resolution online through the ODR platform available at ODR Platform, European Commission ODR.

11. Final Provisions

11.1 All written correspondence will be delivered to you electronically. Our email address is listed in our identification details. We will deliver correspondence to your email address provided in the Contract, in the User Account, or through which you have contacted us.

11.2 The Contract may only be amended based on our written agreement. However, we are entitled to change and supplement these Terms and Conditions, but such changes will not affect Contracts already concluded, only Contracts concluded after the effective date of the change.

11.3 In case of force majeure or events that cannot be anticipated (natural disasters, pandemics, operational disruptions, supplier failures, etc.), we are not liable for damage caused due to or in connection with such cases of force majeure or unforeseeable events. If this state lasts for more than 10 days, both we and you have the right to withdraw from the Contract in writing.

11.4 An inseparable annex to the Terms and Conditions is the sample complaint form and the sample withdrawal form along with instructions.

11.5 The Contract, including the Terms and Conditions, is archived in electronic form with us but is not accessible to you. However, you will always receive these Terms and Conditions and the Order Confirmation with a summary of the Order via email, so you will always have access to the Contract even without our assistance. We recommend always saving the Order Confirmation and Terms and Conditions.

11.6 Our activities are not subject to any codes of conduct according to § 2 letter (i) of the Consumer Protection Act.

11.7 These Terms and Conditions are effective from 1 July 2024. The trader is entitled to make adjustments and changes to the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the relevant legal regulations. The rights and obligations related to the exercise of rights are always subject to the Terms and Conditions that were valid and effective at the time of purchasing the Goods (concluding the purchase contract).